Israel Experts
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Tech summer camp in Israel

“The Best Summer Of Your Life”

Create, Grow And Make Awesome Friends In Israel This Summer!

For the last 15 years, thousands of children and teens ages 7-18 from around the world have traveled to Israel to be a part of the Israeli summer camp experience, year after year.

Being a part of BIG IDEA means:

You will make friends from all over the world, get hands-on experience in our 40 tech workshops, grow and develop personal skills while waking up every morning in the beautiful Carmel mountain.

Summer vacation is the best time to empower your child: mix technology with friends, boost your life skills and personal growth, and make this summer meaningful.

Want your summer to be BIG? Join Big Idea and start your Israeli adventure!

Click here to learn more!

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Featured IsraelExperts Tours

Israel Experts is much more than an agency that organizes travels to Israel. Israel Experts was founded in 1999. Israel Experts is an educational tourism company that provides outstanding programs with the highest level of service.

We embrace a tolerant and pluralistic educational approach while creating experiences that make an impact and encourage engagement.
