Israel Experts
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Women’s empowerment trips to Israel

Women’s empowerment is evident throughout Israeli society and Israel Experts is proud to support and promote it!

This style of trip is a must for anyone wanting to be inspired through face to face meeting, personal stories and opportunities to learn from a wide range of fascinating and powerful women, living in one of the most challenging regions in the world!

Your clients will meet with a female Member of Parliament (Knesset) or the new Mayor of Beit Shemesh who will share with us their personal stories and the challenges of being a female leader in Israel. We will also discuss the powerful women portrayed in the Bible with best-selling Israeli author and scholar, Yochi Brandes, whose books revolve around Jewish ideas, history, and culture.

These are only some of the potential experiences we can offer on this inspiring and meaningful journey!




7-30 Days

Suited for

For all ages

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Featured IsraelExperts Tours

Israel Experts is much more than an agency that organizes travels to Israel. Israel Experts was founded in 1999. Israel Experts is an educational tourism company that provides outstanding programs with the highest level of service.

We embrace a tolerant and pluralistic educational approach while creating experiences that make an impact and encourage engagement.
