Israeli Innovation, Imagination and Ingenuity
Journey beyond the headlines on a trip that that will explore Israeli innovation, imagination and ingenuity in all sectors of Israeli society. Meet the people who move Israel – the social, economic, technological, medical and cultural entrepreneurs who are working to create a better world for all. Visit the country’s world-renowned institutions and tourist destination […]
Art & Culture
Explore the creative soul of Israeli society through the artists, musicians, theatrical producers, actors, filmmakers, chefs and dancers that make Israel the powerhouse of cultural innovation that it is today. Enjoy hands-on workshops, world-renowned performances, state of the art museums and one-on-one encounters with Israel’s leading artists. Experience the land that inspires this creative activity, […]
Forestry and Agriculture on the Desert’s Edge
Explore the forestry and agriculture of Israel and Jordan in a unique trip that introduces you the landscapes, geopolitical reality and must-see sites of both countries, with an eye towards all things fauna. Discover how Israel has become a leader in innovative agricultural technology despite the challenges of war, natural disaster and a desert climate, […]
Contemporary Issues & Politics
Difficult challenges demand creative solutions. Israel’s accomplishments are not in spite of, but perhaps because of its social, religious, cultural, geographic and political complexity. Explore the nuances of Israeli society that are interesting and relevant to your group. Explore issues of contemporary issues and politics, including religion and state, the role of women and minorities […]
Food and Justice Fellowship
Travel Israel with an eye towards organizations and individuals aiming to eradicate poverty, create sustainable agricultural systems, and increase access to healthy, affordable food. Advance your professional skills with hands-on workshops, gain insight into the unique issues faced by Israel due to religious, social and political complexity, and explore what ancient and modern Jewish thought […]
University Entrepreneurial Seminars
Tour Israel’s leading companies and academic institutions, and meet with the curious and empowered entrepreneurs and activists who are working tirelessly to achieve better conditions of existence for all. Experience Israel’s most iconic institutions with an eye toward 3000 years of innovation as well as Israel’s vision for the future. Discover how Israel’s pioneering spirit […]
Business schools and MBA programs
Our trips include visits to Israel’s world-renowned universities, academic institutions, R&D centers, historical sites and companies, and meetings with professors, politicians, entrepreneurs and Israeli peer students. You will learn what makes Israel a global hub for innovation while gaining leadership skills and valuable connections for your future.
Students & Faculty trips
Are you a professor looking to enhance student experience and understanding of their academic field internationally? Israel Experts is the perfect partner, with years of experience developing these types of programs. Many professors and students have found that international trips provides fertile soil for in-depth and interactive studies of a variety of academic disciplines Join […]